For cat’s parents, it is very important to see their pet healthy and in a good mood. If you decide to have a kitten, you should know that vaccination is the best protection for any felines. The first vaccines will be done at 12 – 16 weeks of age. Your new member of the family will need a regular vaccination per year. Your vet will give you a schedule, how often you will do this procedure.
What will be this booster injection for?
This primary booster vaccination will be for:
-Feline calicivirus (FCV) and cat flu—both feline herpesvirus (FHV) and
-Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV)
-Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)

Is it ok if my kitten goes for a walk before their first injection?
Feline are vaccinated if:
-cats have had at least two injections
-and the first immunization at 12-16 weeks.
After this moment, they are protected from the illnesses covered by the vaccines.
In principle, kittens should not go outside before they have had the next injection (second). Anyway, from one of the points of view, it is very significant that a youthful kitten is faced with various situations, to provide normal socialization.
Thus, kittens should be let out, but only in such places as your yard where the chance of catching an infection is not high.
Sometimes the cat needs extra vaccination if she spends a lot of time outside with other cats. Such injection as:
· Chlamydia;
· Feline leukemia;
· Bordetella;
Is it possible to receive any other medicine/injections at this period?
If the cat’s doctor thinks it is needful, he can to assign the first rabies vaccine. The right decision will depend on the environment or the way of life your kitten will have. Also, you should tell the vet if you are going to travel with your feline.

How many injections will my kitten have?
-a systematic booster one per year after the second injection;
-annually after that.
Your vet should consult and make a suitable vaccination plan for your cat’s special requirements.
Will my kitten receive the same injections annually?
Your kitten will have different boosters every year. Various lengths of time are necessary to the cat’s immunity reacting of illnesses and viruses.
Sometimes vaccination depends on the environment of the region and booster’s composition will be based on the:
-The class/type of vaccine used
-How old is your cat
-Risks of native epidemics
-Changes in the actual law
The cat’s doctor will know which vaccine they will need and will tell you which illnesses they are injecting against at each appointment.
How will I know when the annual vaccination is due?
Your cat’s doctor should let you know or send out reminders to be sure you keep in mind that your kitten needs their booster injections.
What kind of side effects after cat vaccination?
You should pay attention if your cat has the following symptoms that might be negative sings after a cat vaccine:
-Loss of appetite.
-Redness around the injection.
If you suppose that your kitten is having any negative effects, immediately call your vet.
Also, how vaccinations act can be looked at on both group basis and an individual.
Feline vaccinations are usually the equal as human injections – an inert or disordered part of the illness you are vaccinating (It means that the kitten won’t really receive the disease).
Vaccinations named community or herd immunity. Substantially on condition, a large amount of a population is vaccinated, then the chance to be infected is getting lower.
We hope that this article was interesting! Please, let us know what keeps your pet healthy in the comments!
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